First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
What is your role in the business? (Select 1)
Part-owner with one other person
Part-owner with more than one other person
Business Operating Name
Business Legal Entity Name
City of Seattle Business License Number
Business Email
Business Phone
Business Instagram
Business Facebook
Number of Employees (not including owners)
Which of the following statements apply to your business? (Select all that apply)
I have clear, written financial goals for the next 3 years for my business
I track my revenue and expenses closely on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis
My business keeps financial statements such as a Profit & Loss Statement, a Cash Flow Statement, and a Balance Sheet that are regularly updated
Do you use financial software? (Select 1)
Have you filed taxes for your business? (Select 1)
My business has been in operation less than 1 fiscal year
Is this business your sole source of income? Please explain in 50 words or less:
In 200 words or less, please describe your business:
Be sure to include the following:
• What do you sell?
• Who is your intended customer?
• How do you source the goods you sell?
How long has your business been in operation? (Select 1)
Starting a new business
Less than 1 year
Between 1 and 3 years
Between 3 and 5 years
More than 5 years
Please indicate the current setup of your business (Select all that apply)
Farmers markets or craft markets that I attend on a regular basis
Farmers markets or craft markets that I attend occasionally
Pop-up market in a commercial space
Other type of pop-up market
Brick-and-mortar store
Appointment-based service
Please select the two primary ways you plan to leverage experience gained from your time at Smål Market? (Select 2)
Open a full-time brick and mortar store in Ballard
Open a full-time brick and mortar store in another Seattle neighborhood
Enhance E-commerce operations
Invest in new equipment
Hire staff to help run my business
Invest in business marketing strategies
Increase my product variety or service offerings
Invest in financial operations including accounting/bookkeeping, and point of sale
I am not sure how I will plan to use any revenue generated from my time at Smål Market
Does your business require any of the following? (Select all that apply)
My business requires the use of large, non-plumbed equipment (Refrigerator, warmer, coffee/espresso machine, powerful lights)
My business requires the use of plumbed equipment (Dishwasher, laundry
My business requires access to a commercial kitchen with a hood
My business requires access to a large storage area
Have you owned a business before this one? Please describe your prior experience in 100 words or less:
Does your business operate based on a written business plan or set of operating procedures? (Select 1)
I do not have a written plan or set of procedures
I have a clear idea of how my business works, but it’s not written down
I have a written plan or set of procedures, but they are not regularly updated
I have a written plan or set of procedures that I regularly update
What type of ownership structure do you currently have or plan to use? (Select 1)
Sole Proprietorship
General Partnership
C Corporation
B Corporation
S Corporation
Limited Liability Company
Limited Liability Partnership
LC3 - Low-profit Liability Company
I am not sure
Please describe your experience related to operating a brick-and-mortar store (Select all that apply)
I currently operate a brick-and-mortar store and would like to expand to Ballard
I have looked into opening a brick-and-mortar store but could not afford it
I have sought out funding opportunities to open a brick-and-mortar space
I have toured commercial spaces but have not found the right fit for my business
I have tried a brick-and-mortar operation, but it did not work out for me before
How important is this opportunity for sustaining your business? (Select 1)
This opportunity will prevent my business from closing
My business is not at immediate risk of closing, but I cannot afford a commercial space without this opportunity
I can afford a commercial space without this opportunity
What are your top 3 goals for your time at Smål Market? (Select 3)
Increase monthly sales
Expand my client/customer base
Enhance my brand and digital marketing
Test out a brick-and-mortar model
Practice operating in a shared environment
Learn operational skills
Learn financial best practices
Meet other business owners
Learn about the Ballard Community
How will your business benefit the Ballard community? Please describe in 150 words or less:
What types of events or promotions do you plan to organize during your time at Smål Market? Please describe in 100 words or less:
How many different types of products do you plan to stock/sell? (Select 1)
1-5 products
5-10 products
10-15 products
15-20 products
More than 20 products
I am not sure
Are any of your products handmade or produced on site? (Select 1)
Which types of assistance would be the most helpful during your time at Smål Market? (Select 3)
Marketing and social media
Product sourcing
Real estate/commercial lease
Legal entity/taxes
Have you had any previous experience with retail incubators or similar programs? If so, please describe in 100 words or less:
Please share any additional information about your business or interest in Smål Market: